What if I told you that you could be in the driver's seat of a fully loaded Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Volvo or professional race car? And what if I told you that it would only cost you a few hundred dollars? Would you believe me? Probably not, but the truth is that any one of these cars can be yours for a fraction of the cost and on a smaller scale of these popular sports cars when you buy gas remote control cars.
Remote control cars are not new. We all remember the cars we grew up playing with. These cars usually were attached to the control pad by wires and topped out at a few mph. Not so today. Advanced technology has led to the production of exact replicas of the most desired cars and the creation of a fascinating hobby which include these gas remote control cars.
The popularity of gas remote control cars has led to the formation of clubs and associations dedicated to a certain type or scale car or for remote control cars in general. Believe it or not, there are also speedways and racetracks dedicated to remote control car racing. Many even sponsor races complete with a winner's circle and trophy. Now that's taking play to a whole new level.
Imagine being the owner of a GTR Racer fully equipped and identical to the ones used in professional races, but on a 1/8 scale. This gas powered remote control car reaches amazing speeds that top out over 70 mph, and this remote control car costs less than $600.
Or maybe you prefer Dragsters. Wouldn't you love to own a professional Dragster that can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in under three seconds? And wouldn't it even be sweeter if you could customize your remote control Dragster with a custom paint job and fully functional spoiler? You can, and it doesn't cost a whole lot either. These gas remote control cars are priced at just over $300.
If you prefer something a little more sensible or maybe even an off-road remote control car, you can find that also. There is practically no end to the options associated with gas remote control cars.
Are you looking for a family activity? Remote control cars could be just the thing you're looking for. Remote control car racing attracts people of many different personalities and ages. It could be that your family might appreciate one of these gas powered wonders.
About the Author:
By Think Gas
Gas RC Cars
This article is distributed by: www.iSnare.com
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